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In an effort to enhance our support of Neighborhood Bike Works and increase the possibility of

YOUR fabulousness...




For a fine ride truly worthy of a discerning Dandy or quintessential Quaintrelle...


Have a look, buy a raffle ticket, take a chance to get a ride that was built for luxurious fabulousness...


How about a LUXURY CRUISER...(click on the picture for more information)





















But wait, there's more!!


You say you already have a fine ride? But do you have a helmet/hat as fabulous as this...

(click on the picture for more information)



















Now how would one acquire such for a perfect Philly Seersucker ride?



Click here to get your chance at these fabulous prizes for just $5!!

(It's all one drawing, but the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win!)

(One prize per winner, let's share the chances at fabulousness!)


Winner need not be present to win


Drawing will be held the weekend BEFORE the Philly Seersucker Vintage Bike Ride & Social

(Sunday, June 18th, 2017) 


Bike MUST be picked up on or before Wednesday June 21st


Other prizes will be presented on the day of the  event.


(Portion of proceeds to benefit Neighborhood Bike Works!!)



Epilogue: With the close of on-line raffle ticket sales, we thank you for your support.  

The list of raffle tickets sold, with their assigned raffle ticket numbers can be found here.

The ticket numbers were assigned in chronological order by date and time of purchase based on Eventbrite transaction times.

Additional raffle tickets will be sold and can be purchased at the drawing event prior to the drawing.

© 2021 by DelVal Dandies & Quaintrelles Association

2017 & 2018 Photo Credit: Marissa Hunter Photography

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